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The Nikigai Concept
Ikigai (生き甲斐)


The sum of small joys in everyday life leads to a more fulfilling life. 

Ikigai (生き甲斐, lit. 'a reason for being')
Iki (生き - 'life') and kai (甲斐 - ‘meaning’) 

Ikigai is all about finding joy in life through purpose. The age-old Japanese ideology carves your way to finding your authentic self, adjusting your mind and refocusing on your purpose

“He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.” 

The essence of IKIGAI revolves around four elements: 
1.    What you love
2.    What you are good at
3.    What you can be paid for
4.    What the world needs

At the heart of NIKIGAI coaching lies the Japanese concept IKIGAI, which captures the true essence of living a purposeful life. 

A NIKIGAI Coaching session is all about offering a listening, empathetic and non-judgemental ear to you.


There will be a safe space where you can define your goals and share your feelings openly and without fear.  You will steadily come up with solutions on your own and unleash your full potential.

The end goal of NIKIGAI Coaching is to always see you with your authentic smile and living a purposeful life. 

Nicolas Provençal,

Founder of Nikigai Coaching

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Find your Authentic Smile

Book a free Introductory Session

Meet the coach

You desire a purposeful life. You are in search of your “raison d’être”. You feel that it's time for a change. Then you've come to the right place.

At Nikigai Coaching, we walk the journey of transformation with you. Nicolas Provencal, an ICF (International Coaching Federation) certified Life Coach PCC, accompanies you to reconnect with your truth and find your authentic smile. The thought-provoking and creative process is the simple method used to make that happen.

What drives our Coach?

Nicolas started coaching in 2013 and never looked back since. The fulfillment it brings him when his coachees achieve their targets and the joy he feels when he sees their smiling eyes captivated him. This is his Ikigai! (In other words, his Reason for Being Today). Our coach's goal is to simply walk alongside the coachees to help them find their Ikigai.

As of July 2023, Nicolas has upgraded his certification to Professional Certified Coach (PCC) in line with his strategy to develop Nikigai Coaching Ltd, and as a coach, to fulfill his Ikigai. At the beginning of his coaching career, the focus was to practice constant improvement by upping his skills, enabling him to fully empower his coachees to truly make a positive difference in their lives.


Our coach has successfully coached over 50 individuals and corporate clients. By 2030, Nicolas is determined to further develop his coaching practice and reach 500 clients.

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Professional Certified Coach (PCC) Credential-holders are trained (125+ hours), experienced (500+ hours) coaches.


As an ICF Member, the badge earner is enrolled in an accredited coach training program or has completed 60 hours of training aligned with ICF standards.

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My Values



For a fruitful session, we need to have an open, transparent and zero judgment mindset.



This is non-negotiable. Confidentiality from both parties fosters a trustworthy and better relationship between the coach and coachee.


You need to want it enough to achieve it. During your journey of transformation, you will take actions and create the change you want to see.


Find your authentic smile for life


For any queries, please contact us using the contact form or email us at:


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