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I help others find their authentic smile
for life.

Have a 30 min free consultation to find the best coaching style for you 
Nikigai Coaching

A NIKIGAI Coaching Session is all about offering a listening, empathetic and non-judgemental ear to you.​


There will be a safe space where you can define your goals and share your feelings openly and without fear.  You will steadily come up with solutions on your own and unleash your full potential. 


The end goal of NIKIGAI Coaching is to always see you with your authentic smile and living a purposeful life.  

Nikigai, the approach to find your authentic self
Meet the Coaches

At Nikigai Coaching, we walk the journey of transformation with you. Our coaches accompany you to reconnect with your truth and find your authentic smile. The thought-provoking and creative process is the simple method used to make that happen.


Nicolas Provençal

Head Coach


Jamie Pearson


Coaching Services
Coaching Services

With more than 8 years of experience in coaching, I help individuals navigate through their personal and professional life with a focus on self-awareness, growth and positivity.

Whether you are 17 or 70, life coaching bridges the gap between who you are today and who you want to be in the future. You will define your goals and we will work to hoist your sails in the right direction while tackling the hurdles along the way.

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Life Coaching

Executive coaching stimulates your capacity to develop powerful leadership mindsets and brings clarity to your vision in complex business ecosystems. In this process, we work together to channel your energy and strengths to not just lead but to empower and collaborate with your teams.

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Executive Coaching

Experience a productivity boost and master the art of daily navigation on the seas of life. Periodically evaluate and align your purpose with the evolving tides, maintaining harmony with the changing landscape.

Discover your Ikigai, navigate your course, and live a life aligned with purpose—set sail with Nikigai Coaching.

Image by Pablo Heimplatz

Find Your Purpose

Team coaching helps a team to focus on a common objective and work in harmony to bring innovative transformation. It sets your team for success by leveraging collaboration, fostering trust, and harnessing the collective strengths of the team. Team coaching covers topics that have been tailor-made for them.

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Team Coaching

Group coaching has a flexible approach where its members decide on a common coaching theme by co-creating the agenda and working towards achieving the desired outcomes. Together, they strive to build proficient, efficient and productive solutions to meet their needs.

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Group Coaching

Not sure which coaching service you need?

You can book have a free Introductory session of 30 minutes in which we will discuss and decide together on the coaching style that best suits you.

Introductory Coaching Session

You want to redesign your life the way you wish and move confidently into a new phase, this session will rejuvenate and revitalize your mind and soul. You will be able to turn the page and move to the next chapter of your life with a heart full of hope and a newly gained confidence.



Nick is a phenomenal coach! He helped me during some very trying times in my life to seek clarity and reassess my goals. Not to mention, he followed up with me despite me not always getting back to him in a timely manner. I highly recommend Nick.


Thank you for your persistence and all of your support Nick.

– Melissa C. (Wellness and sports coach , University of Houston)


Find your authentic smile for life


For any queries, please contact us using the contact form or email us at:


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